Fin.K.L - 영원 Forever [iTunes Purchased M4A]

All songs we provide with the best quality audio m4a on iTunes

Genres: K-Pop, Music, Pop, Dance
Released: 03 March 2002
℗ 2002 DSP미디어(DSP media)

Track List :
01. Good Bye
02. 영원 Forever
03. Change
04. 나와 같다면 If You Are Like Me
05. Never
06. Happy
07. Fortune (For 春)
08. You'Re My Boy
09. Bell
10. So for Your Love
11. 그대안의 나 I in You
12. 세상에서 가장 슬픈 일 The Saddest Thing in the World
13. Don't Go Away
14. 외면 Disregard
15. One More Time

Thank you for downloading! Happy listening..

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