King Gnu - Ceremony [iTunes Purchased M4A]

All songs we provide with the best quality audio m4a on iTunes

Released: Jan 15, 2020
℗ 2019(3,10) 2020(1,2,4-9,11,12) Sony Music Labels Inc.

Track List :
01. 開会式 Opening Ceremony
02. どろん Doron
03. Teenager Forever
04. ユーモア Humor
05. 白日 Hakujitsu
06. 幕間 Interlude
07. 飛行艇 Hikoutei
08. 小さな惑星 Small Planet
09. Overflow
10. 傘 Umbrella
11. 壇上 Danjo
12. 閉会式 Closing Ceremony

Thank you for downloading! Happy listening..

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